Mazagon Dock Limited has published the notification for filling up 649 various vacancies. Eager Job hunters who fulfill required eligibility criteria should submit the application form latest by 24th April, 2013. Selection of job hunters is based on trade test and interview. More details relating to MDL various Vacancies jobs hunters should see the details given below.
Important Dates Mazagondock Recruitment 2013:
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 24-04-2013
Date & Time of Interview: 07-05-2013 onwards
9. How to Apply For Mazagondock Recruitment 2013
i Application in the format given at the end of this advertisement may he down loaded from our website
www under head Career. The application should be filled legibly in Hindi. Marathi or English in Block letters on an A-4 size paper. Application not submitted in format may be rejected.
ii. A separate application for each trade has to be submitted in case the applicant desires to apply for more
than one post.
iii. Candidates must attach self attested copies of certificates in support o\' their age. qualification, experience.
caste certificate, defence discharge certificate & driving license along with the application. Candidates are also advised to bring all original certificates for verification during interview. The OBC candidates seeking reservation are required to attach valid certificate regarding OBC (Non-Creamy Layer status) issued by the Competent Authority in prescribed format only.
iv. Candidates serving in Government/Quasi Government offices. Public Sector Undertakings are instructed to submit their application through proper channel. In case, he sends an advance copy of the application, he will have to submit a "No Objection Certificate" from his employer at the time of Interview / Trade Test, failing which his candidature will not be considered.
The candidates should fill the application in the prescribed format in all respects along with all enclosures and DD. The candidates belonging to OBC & General categories should submit Demand Draft o\' Rs. 100/- (nonrefundable) drawn in favour of 'Mazagon Dock Limited.' payable in Mumbai towards processing fee. Application without DD will be rejected. No fee will be charged from SC. ST . PWD & Ex-servicemen
Candidates should send their applications along with all enclosures to PGM (Rec-NE), Recruitment Cell, Service Block- 3rd Floor, Mazagon Dock Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010 on or before 24m April 2013 through courier or by post only.
Indicate "Post Applied For : ______________" on the Envelope. Internal candidates who are
completing their period of contract in the month of May,2013 and before will only be considered eligible and they should forward their applications through proper channel.
The list of eligible candidates will be displayed on our website under the head "Career" and sub head " Interview list for AD No-63" as well as Company's notice board in
respect of Date & Time of Interview on 07,h May, 2013 onwards. The result of Interview along with date <& time for Trade test will be declared /displayed at main gate notice board on the date oi' interview only. Final list of short listed candidates will also be hosted on our website under the same head & Company's Notice Board.
Name & No. of Posts:- Mazagon Dock is published a recruitment job 2013advertisement to appoint Six Hundred Forty Nine (649) ordinary & honest post seekers having Indian citizenship as the post of Sarang (02 – posts), Store Keeper (12 – posts), Fitter (54 – posts), Pipe Fitter (78 – posts), Painter (45 – posts), Comp Welder (37 – posts), Compressor Attendant (05 – posts), Spl Grade Engine driver (02 – posts), Junior Draughtsman (04 – posts), Pharmacist (01 – post), Structural Fabricator (193 – posts), Electronic Mechanic (31 – posts), Carpenter (14 – posts), Rigger (83 – posts), Millwright Mechanic (01 – post), Lascar (13 – posts), Security Sepoy (23 – posts), Utility Hand (16 – posts), Fire Fighter (04 – posts) and Chipper Grinder (31 – posts).