Gujarat High Court LIBRARIAN Recruitment Process 2013 | Apply Online For Post of Gujarat High Court LIBRARIAN | Job Vacancy Gujarat High Court LIBRARIANImportant Dates For Gujarat High Court LIBRARIAN Recruitment 2013
Starting date for submission of On-line application 01/04/2013 (12.00 Noon)
Closing date for submission of On-line application. 15/04/2013 (12.00 Midnight)
Date of Main Examination 05/05/2013
Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview) to be held in June - 2013
The High Court of Gujarat invites 'On-line Applications', from eligible candidates for filling up 01 Post for Librarian [Class-I] in the Pay-Scale of Rs.15,600-39,100/- with Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/-, and 01 Post for Assistant Librarian (Class-H). in the Pay-Scale of Rs.9,300-34,800- with Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/-, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, by Direct Recruitment.
FEES AND MODE OF PAYMENT For Highcourt Recruitment 2013:
Candidates shall be required to pay an Application Fees of Rs.500/-, plus the usual Bank Charges. The Candidates desirous of applying for both the posts are also required to pay an Application Fees of only Rs.500/-, plus the usual Batik Charges. The candidates making payment of Fees shall remit the same in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad held in the name of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India using the Cash Voucher in the special Format appended to this Advertisement, from 01/04/2013 to 15/04/2013 during Bank working days and hours.
Fees paid by any other mode, will not be accepted
Fees once paid shall not be refunded in any circumstances.