CITIZENS have taken a great liking 10 electronic payment facilities and Any Time Payment (ATP) machines for paying their power hills and Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL) said about Rs. 1900 crores was realised through the system. About 1.23 crore consumers in State logged on the system to pay the as compared to 71 lakh consumers during the previous year, the MSEDCL release slated on Monday.
The press release staled thai in Nagpur Urban Zone itself. 2.53 lakh consumers have taken benefits of the systems and paid bills worth Rs 37. 26 crore. However in Nagpur Division the response is increasing and about 1.24 lakh consumers have preferred the e-route to pay their bill worth Rs 14.89 crore. MSEDCL consumers in Bhandup Division have paid bills worth Rs 275 crorcs followed by consumers of Pune Division who paid Rs 272 crores and thereafter consumers of Kalyan Division who paid Rs 157 crore through the electronic clearing system.
MSEDCL had installed around 100 ATP machines in the State and they are available 24x7.