Android Mobile Phone Application to Track your LPG Record | GASWALA Android Application to Track LPG Quota | LPG Cylinder Subsidy Quota Check from Android Mobile Phone | Android Mobile Phone Application Download For LPG Cylinder HP, Indane, Bharat, Reliance | Download GASWALA on Android Phone.
IF YOU are an Indane, Bharai Gas, or Hindustan Petroleum (HP) LPG consumer, then you can get all the answers to your questions related to subsidised LPG cylinders on your mobile screen. 'GasWala'. an android mobile phone application, has made ii possible.
After the Government restricting number of subsidised LPG cylinders per family to nine a year, scores of consumers found it difficult to keep tab on consumption of subsidised LPG cylinders. Many obtained the information by taking a glance at LPG service book provided by distributor concerned, and calculating the number of subsidised cylinders available to them for the financial year. Others made a phone call to gas agency concerned. All thisconsumed more time.
However. 'Game On Andro' has developed a mobile phone application to take care of current status of subsidised LPG cylinders. The only thing is that the application is available only on android mobile users. If you are LPG consumer of Indane.
Bharat Gas. or HP. you just need to open the application in your android mobile phone, type your Consumer Number. Slate. City, and Distributor's name in appropriate windows. Click on 'Proceed' and you will get all relevant details.
In the next screen appears detailed information of subsidised refills supplied, non-subsidised refills supplied, average LPG consumption of current year, and average consumption of cylinders in current year. In the third and final screen, order numbers, order dates, cash memo numbers, cash memo dates, and delivery dates of current year appear for LPG refills. Gaswala can provide details about LPG refills used in current year so far. subsidised LPG refills available in remainder of the year, subsidised refills already used, subsidised refills available now.