TAKING students for a ride and changing pattern of examination only weeks before the final examination. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) is giving sleepless nights to students of Master of Business Administration (MBA). A controversial decision of YCMOU not to consider assignments for awarding 20% marks in each of the 10 papers and instead conduct only theory examination, has caught regular and honest students who sincerely completed their assignment, on wrong foot. This has actually reduced the worth of MBA degree, rued one student.
Worse, the YCMOU did not bother to inform this major change to any student and even Regional Centres and study centers received this information recently. The students were the last one to learn that their labour has no value and painstakingly done assignments will he worthless, only through a media report. As usual, the University authorities and their regional authorities are passing the buck, without bothering about the trauma, trouble of the helpless students, who are left to meekly watch the irrational decisions taken by varsity, apparently without any cogent reason and rational justification. Most of the students are working professionals or employees of public and private sectors, who were required to take time out to undertake field study work and this sudden change has left them quite dejected and disappointed.
YCMOU is running MBA course since long, for which it has established various study centers YCMOU's Regional office monitors the events and developments. When the academic session 2012-13 began, students were told by their respective study centres and Regional office that they had 10 appear in 10 papers of 80 marks each. One subject would carry 100 marks- theory (80) and internal assignment (20). The students were asked (o go for internal assignments and submit the same to the respective study centers.
Accordingly the students toiled hard and completed around 40 assignments. They had to devote maximum time to complete the assignment that made them get less lime to study theory section.
Suddenly two days ago. the students were shocked to see a media report where it was said that YCMOU had changed the examination pattern of MBA. According to new pattern. YCMOU had merged 20 marks allotted for assignment, with theory's 80 marks making it a full KM) marks paper. YCMOU through its circular had made it clear that the new pattern was applicable for the first year students who were appearing in May 2013.
Disturbed by this last minute change in examination pattern, many of them approached the YCMOU authorities and also The Hitavada. A student said that he was not informed by the study center or by Regional Center about the change in exam pattern. He felt deceived when lie came to know the change at the eleventh hour.
One student questioned the credibility of university which changed the pattern at the eleventh hour, lie alleged that university liad clearly ignored students' interests.
YCMOU 2013 Exam Pattern