Board of High School and Intermediate Education, UttarPradesh will very soon going to declare UP Board 10th Supplementary Result 2013 or UP 10th Class Compartment Exam Result 2013 on it’s official website at of supplementary exam for all those who were failed to crack main examination.
UPMSP will soon declare the Senior Secondary Sertificate (SSC) or Matric supplementary result or High School supplementary result 2013 on its official site and all the appeared students can check their result from the same by using their hall ticket number which is provided by board itself.
UP board had declared the SSC main examination result on 8 June, 2013 on its official result web site. According to the result statistic the result was declared approximately 60 – 70% i.e. 60 – 70% of the total students were passed and remaining students were failed.
Board has arranged the supplementary exam for the failed students and all the failed students has applied for the exam. Exam was arranged in such a short time of period after the main examination result declaration. Board has arranged the supplementary exam in fast to save the time of the students.