JNTUH Guidelines for conducting the CBT examinations - June 2021

JNTUH The Principals are informed to note the following new guidelines for conducting the CBT examinations and for uploading the MOOCS marks of odd semester UG examinations:

A. For conducting the CBT exams:
1. Some affiliated /constituent colleges will be identified for organizing the CBT exams.

2. Each identified college will be allotted a few students who have registered for CBT exam and the Principals have to draft invigilators from their respective colleges in the proportion of 1: 12.

3. Students will write the CBT exams from their respective homes. Every student must have a smart phone/laptop and sufficient internet data /bandwidth as well as power backup in their respective mobile phones/ laptop.

4. The invigilators have to create zoom sessions (or some other video conferencing sessions) from their email ids / mobile numbers for conducting the CBT exam of the allotted students and the invigilators have to send the invitation to the students to their respective registered mobiles and mail ids 30 minutes before the start of exam.

5. The invigilators have to record the session of the CBT exam and handover that record to the College Principal.

6. The URLs of the exams (Quizexam) and the passwords will be sent to the Principals.

7. The students have to join with received zoom invitation and then open the quiz examination URL for the question paper and write the exam.

8. While the exam is going on, every student has to login in the zoom session as well as Quiz exam.

JNTUH Guidelines for conducting the CBT examinations - June 2021

source https://results.universityupdates.in/2021/05/jntuh-guidelines-for-conducting-cbt.html
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