JNTUH Checklist for X Convocation : Apply Online Here For Original Degree
1. Only Those candidates can apply for Convocation whose PC issued date is ON OR BEFORE 20-09-2021.
2. Scanned Copy of a Digital Passport size Photograph (.JPEG format) should be between 100-200 KB.
3. Scanned Copy of Identity proof (.JPEG format), size should be between 100-200 KB.
The List of valid identity proofs are as follows.
4. Scanned Copy of Provisional Certificate (.JPEG format), size should be between 200-300 KB.
5. Students should furnish their Provisional Certificate NUMBER (Number that is above the serial no of PC).
6. Use MS PAINT to resize the image (or) Resize the Image If the image size exceeds the given limits.
Please contact helpdesk phone numbers: 9491283135, 9491293135 for enquiries/queries. (or) Email to: support.convocation@jntuh.ac.in
source https://results.universityupdates.in/2021/09/jntuh-checklist-for-x-convocation.html