JNTUH Hall Tickets For B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 1-1 Semesters & 1st Year (For all Regulations) Supplementary Examinations September 2021 Are Released. Contact your college to get the hall ticket.
JNTUH B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 & 1st Year Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Table - September 2021
JNTUH B.Pharmacy 1-1, 1-2 & 1st Year Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Table - September 2021
1. All the students must be present in the examination hall before the commencement of the examination and students who come after the commencement of examination will not be allowed.
2. Students should not carry any other material except Hall Ticket, Identity card and Scientfic non-programmable calculator.
3. Programmable calculators, palm computers, mobile phones and pagers are not permitted into examination halls. They should show Hall Ticket and Identity card to the Invigilator/Observer/Chief Superintendent whenever they are asked.
4. Students are allowed to leave the examination hall only after one and half hour from the commencement of the examination.
5. Students must handover the answer booklets to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
6. The University reserves the right to cancel the admission of the student at any stage when it is detected that his/her admission to the examination or the college is against rules.
NOTE: If there is any discrepancy in student photo or any other details, it should be brought to notice of the Controller of Examinations immediately.
COVID-19 Guidelines:
1) All the students must wear masks while they are on the campus.
2) Students must maintain social distancing as per Government guidelines in current scenario of COVID-19 to ensure health and safety of the Students.
3) Students must be carried their own water bottles and hand sanitizers. Sharing of pens or any other stationary items among the students is strictly prohibited in the exam hall.
4) On completion of the exam, the students shall be permitted to move out in an orderly manner one candidate at a time. The students should not getup from their seats until advised by the invigilator.
5) Student must maintain silence while going to their allotted exam hall as well as inside the exam hall.
6) This hall-ticket should be kept in open state beside your answer booklet whenever the room invigilator come to your place.
7) You have to put your signature in space provided on the answer booklet after verifying your personal details.
source https://results.universityupdates.in/2021/09/jntuh-hall-tickets-for-btech-bpharmacy_25.html