DOITC Rajasthan IA Typing Test Result 2013 | Informatics Assistant Typing Test Final Result

DOITC Rajasthan IA Typing Test Result 2013 | DOITC  Informatics Assistant Typing Test Final Result 2013 | DOITC  Rajasthan Informatics Assistant Typing Test Final Result 2013.

You might be aware of that recruitment of Informatics Assistant which was declare by DOITC Rajasthan and in the earlier notification they announced recruitment for 6300 posts and in their later official notification they increases the number of posts to 9000.By seeing this golden opportunity a lot of students applied for it and according to the official there about 40,000 candidates who took part in it.

Like all the government jobs selection it has also the same all the 40,000 candidates were called up for the written exam and from them 16,000 candidates were selected and now all the 16,000 candidates are going to give a typing test which will be taken in Hindi and English.

In the typing test all the students were asked to type 25-30 words in both English and Hindi whereas selection of the candidates will be on the basis of typing speed that student is having.more fast speed.

As of now exam is over and all the students who were part of it are eagerly waiting out for the DOITC Rajasthan IA Typing Test Result 2013 and we are having a very god news for them results will be declare on the official website on 10th September 2013.

 DOITC  Informatics Assistant Typing Test Final Result 2013 will delcare on 10th September 2013 on official website.
 There is one more good news for all our loyal readers that you will be able to check out your DOITC Rajasthan IA Typing Test Result on our website and we will be making special arrangements just for our readers regarding to your DOITC  Informatics Assistant Typing Test Final Result.
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