Download DOITC IA Typing Test Admit Card 2013/ Hall Ticket www. | Download link for DOITC IA typing test admit card | Hall ticket for DOITC IA typing test.
Rajasthan DOITC which is also known as Department of Information Technology & Communication as recently declare the results of the written test conducted by them for the recruitment of 6300 Posts and there were approx. 40,000 candidates participated in it but only 16,000 candidates were able to make in it. This exam is conducted for the recruitment of IA (Information Assistant) and as it is a government job. So it was already assumed a large number of participants and it also proved by as there were 40,000 participants. As results for the written exam has been already disclosed and now second stage is for typing test and for that all candidates will be requiring DOITC IA Typing Test Admit Card 2013 and it will be available on the official website of DOITC.Note-Without this admit card you will not be able to give examination and your all hard work will be waste and hence you will not be able to get government job.
Admit card is one of the most important document and without it no one will be allowed to sit in the examination hall. Hence it is a request to all candidates to Download DOITC IA Typing Test hall ticket 2013.
DOITC IA Typing Test Admit Card 2013 will be available from 1st week of September 2013 on official website www.
We have created one special page for our readers and you can check DOITC Rajasthan IA Typing Test Result 2013.
You can also get your DOITC IA typing test admit card 2013 from our website after it is available and till then you can also bookmark our website to get regular updates regarding the admit card for DOITC IA typing test.